Saturday, October 6, 2018

Wisdom 1 - Your Soul

On my last birthday I created a list of wisdoms that I have learned throughout my life.  So far, I have come up with 26!  I am sure that there are many more that I can think of.  I am hoping the list continues to grow because I want to believe that there is so many more lessons to learn. Wisdom #1:
Never regret being in love, but realize the true love should help your soul not damage it. 

It sounds cliche to talk about love being a splendid thing. I also think that many people confuse love with admiration, lust, avoiding loneliness, co-dependency, and the like.  I can't say that I truly have loved very many people.  Of course, there are my family members that I love - my children, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc.  I understand that there are times when even family member are toxic in someone's life.  What I want to talk about is being in love with a partner.

There is something so intense in life when you fall in love with a partner.  You know this love feels like nothing else.  It can be the wrong person at the right time, sometimes the right person at the wrong time, or if you are lucky it is the everlasting kind of love.  So never regret being in love with someone because love is that emotion that can consume you and make you feel like life was meant to be lived just like this.  True love should never destroy you.  

Last night, I stood behind my sister, supporting her, being there for her as she watched the man that she loved for 7 years lay in wood box.  I love my sister immensely and it was breaking my heart watching her look at man that had been such a big part of life now just a body without a breath.  Less than 6 months ago because love should not damage the soul, they broke up.  The end of their relationship was not the end of her love for him.  If you truly love someone, the love never stops.  It may decrease or be tucked away, but never truly gone.  While she supported his family, they supported her.  

At the viewing, they told stories about his life.  It was nothing like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, "the evil that men do lives with them, and the good is oft interred with their bones."  (It is one of my favorite quotes from the play.)  Only good memories were shared as it should be.  Even his pastor of 22 years came up to my sister to see how she was holding up.  Family members who gathered from all over came to meet my sister.  They had heard about her for years and wanted to meet the last woman that their departed relative had loved. She told me that he had loved her in his own way.  All the proof she needed was all the people she never met who knew about her.  I type this now knowing that today will be even harder as I hear her getting ready for his funeral.

Another cliche, life is short!  There was a time when his love helped heal her soul from previous bad relationships.  Life has many lesson and I know she will never regret the love that they shared.  She can not erase the 7 years of memories that they had.  I don't want to imagine the pain she is feeling right now.  I have to believe that her soul will heal from this tragic loss.

My lesson here, while I do not believe that they should have reunited, is that don't take love for granted.  Never regret that you have fallen in love, because it can be so rare.  Go out and find the love that can heal your soul.  When love damages your soul, learn to identify the damage caused and realize that love should not be this way.  It is okay to still love someone who is not right for you.  Life and love are both blessings.  

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