All too often people equate feminism with the women trying to be manly. Is that feminism? Yes and No is the short answer! I currently sit in front of my laptop typing away in a skirt. Does this mean that I am not a feminist? I will answer this question later. Feminism by definition according to www.merriam-webster.com is:
"1. The theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.2. organized activity on the behalf of women's rights and interests."
So in other words, feminism is aligned with the equality of the people from all genders. Yes, I know that there are now 50+ genders according to LGBTQIA, but I am referring strictly to women. Do I believe in fighting for women's rights? The issue is the fact that now more than ever, I feel like I have to. You would thing that in the almost 100 years since women have had the right to vote the issue wouldn't be so difficult.
Let's take the atmosphere of the most recent election which has made the idea of a feminist movement more front and center in the minds of everyone in the US. I believe that comments made by 45 (aka "Grab them by P***y) have reignited women to organize and stand up for their fundamental rights. But is that enough! No, we had just the other day the example of James Green who wrote a letter to the editor in which argued that women making less than men is a matter of simple economics. He goes on to discussing how if women make as much as men it would mess up the traditional family dynamic. If women are paid more, men would have to be paid less. I am not sure about his use of simple economics, but he needs a few math lessons to say the least. Luckily he has since resigned from his station in Utah.
I wish that I could say that these are the only 2 examples. When I was in my 20's I received a bit of wisdom from an inspiring woman who is now a VP of company. She told me that women have to work twice as hard as men to be thought of as half as good. I wish I could say that this has not been the case in my experience. Sometimes it has and sometimes it hasn't. I am lucky right now that I work in area predominantly with working mothers who understand the hectic schedule of all the kid activities.
Feminist? I personally don't label myself as a feminist. I like to consider myself an equalitarian. Here's why. I think that men and women can do the same job for the same pay. I also believe that there needs to be the same qualifications for men and women should they choose to do the same job. Take for instance a firefighter. Why would there be different entry requirements for a man and a woman. I have seen where a man is required to lift 250 pounds, but the women entry requirement is 180 pounds. Personally if I get caught in the fire, they both better be able to lift me out. So equality. The same holds true when men and women have different requirements in the military.
Is feminism the end of femininity? In my opinion, no! If you think that it is not feminine to stand up for yourself then that is your problem. This women here is just as girly as the next make-up wearing, accessorizing, and massive shoe collecting women. Just because I believe that I can work, be a mom, and still stand up for my rights does not make me a feminist, it makes me a woman in 2017!
I wish that I could say that these are the only 2 examples. When I was in my 20's I received a bit of wisdom from an inspiring woman who is now a VP of company. She told me that women have to work twice as hard as men to be thought of as half as good. I wish I could say that this has not been the case in my experience. Sometimes it has and sometimes it hasn't. I am lucky right now that I work in area predominantly with working mothers who understand the hectic schedule of all the kid activities.
Feminist? I personally don't label myself as a feminist. I like to consider myself an equalitarian. Here's why. I think that men and women can do the same job for the same pay. I also believe that there needs to be the same qualifications for men and women should they choose to do the same job. Take for instance a firefighter. Why would there be different entry requirements for a man and a woman. I have seen where a man is required to lift 250 pounds, but the women entry requirement is 180 pounds. Personally if I get caught in the fire, they both better be able to lift me out. So equality. The same holds true when men and women have different requirements in the military.
Is feminism the end of femininity? In my opinion, no! If you think that it is not feminine to stand up for yourself then that is your problem. This women here is just as girly as the next make-up wearing, accessorizing, and massive shoe collecting women. Just because I believe that I can work, be a mom, and still stand up for my rights does not make me a feminist, it makes me a woman in 2017!